There are many individual elements that play important roles in these types of stories. First of all, one must be able to recognize how fairy tales differ from different kinds of legends and myths. In saint and local legends tales center around a miracle brought about by God to astound and restore humanity's faith in the lord. In contrast, fairy tales are centered around magic. This magic is a constant element in the fairy tale world that is universally accepted and respected.
Another major aspect of fairy tales in their consistent formula. This strict formula of iconic expressions, action, and repetition can be found as the backbone of all fairy tales. All tales begin with "once upon a time" and they all end with "happily ever after." These classic bookends give the story a timeless and reliable feel. Fairy tales also keep their timeless simplicity by telling stories through action and avoiding overly artistic or detailed descriptions. Another crucial aspect of fairy tale structure is repetition. Scenes or actions are often repeated 3 times with little to no change. This repetition drives themes home and keeps the stories simple for children.

Sources: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjVidbwz87kAhVL5uAKHbQHB_0QjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fboardgamegeek.com%2Fboardgame%2F211593%2Fonce-upon-time-fairy-tales&psig=AOvVaw1u23O7zjFsAR6YqTLadDFQ&ust=1568492451304087
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